In 2022, we restructured our leadership team. We have an executive leadership team of eight persons; four people that have expertise in the four programs, an operational officer and three provincial leaders. Two people of the executive leadership team are the executive directors; Mr. Peang Nareth and Mr. Ratha Yun. The directors represent Fountain of Hope to the national government and to donors and partners.
The new structure puts us in a more strategic position long term. It raises strong leadership within the organization, while effectively utilizing the expertise of each leader for our programs.
Nareth PeanG
Co-Executive director, Operations Director
Nareth started following Christ at age 17. He completed his studies at Phnom Penh Bible School, earned a bachelor’s degree from Build Bright University, and a master’s in business administration from National University of Management. Before coming to Fountain of Hope in 2014, Nareth served for over 15 years with World Relief Cambodia as a Bible trainer, provincial program leader, chief information officer and member of the senior management team. Nareth and his wife, Nary, have two children, Caleb and Jedidiah.
Ratha Yun
co-Executive Director, Life with Value Program Director
Ratha came from a Buddhist background but came to know Jesus Christ when he was 21. He decided to follow God and went on to complete a degree in pastoral and Christian ministry from the Wesleyan Bible Institute in Phnom Penh. He served in the Phnom Penh Bible School for 4 years; worked in World Hope International in human resources and program support for 2 years; and went on to serve as an assistant pastor of a local church in Phnom Penh. He went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in Christian ministry from Phnom Penh Bible School. He then served in World Relief as a program facilitator until he joined Fountain of Hope in 2014. In 2019, Ratha graduated with a bachelor’s degree in general management from the National University of Management. Currently, Ratha is serving as an assistant pastor at Evangelical Mission Church in Phnom Penh and completing his master’s degree in general management. He and his wife, Vouchnea, have two daughters, Malikakaren and Kevinia.
Sophon Monophal
Takeo and Kandal Provincial Leader
Monophal graduated with his bachelor’s degree in management from a local university in Phnom Penh in 2010. He worked with World Relief Cambodia from 2000-2014 as a children’s teacher, provincial leader and director of programs in the Kandal province. Monophal is the Fountain of Hope provincial leader for the Takeo and Kandal provinces. He desires to encourage, pray for, and support his colleagues and to see vulnerable people empowered to live out God’s plan for them.
Ly Oin
Pursat and Battambang Provincial Leader
Ly Oin received a bachelor’s degree in management from the University of Management in Pursat. He received biblical training from KFCI Bible School in Phnom Penh and KBS in Kompong Som. Before joining FOH in 2016, he served two years pastoring Borey Santepheap Church and two years at a prison ministry. He worked for World Relief Cambodia from 2008-2016 as a monitoring and evaluation officer, and a provincial leader. He now serves as the provincial leader in Pursat and Battambang provinces.
Touch Sophal
Tbong Khmum Provincial Leader
Sophal was born in 1980 in Kampong Cham to a large family, making livelihood difficult. In 2001, he heard the story of Nicodemus. Through John 3, he understood he needed to be spiritually reborn through Jesus. Sophal then gave his life to God. He helped in Sunday school programs and later assisted in church planting in Takeo and Kandal provinces. He wants to see an end to domestic violence and drug addiction so that families will find happiness
and hope.
Ven Soknen
Joy of Our Children Program Director
Soknen grew up in a poor Buddhist family and came to Christ in 2000. He now serves as the Joy of our Children (JOC) Director. His goal is to support, pray, and encourage teamwork among the staff to fulfill all that God calls them to do in serving the children in Cambodia. He desires to see the JOC program continue in sustainability and grow further throughout Cambodia.
Min Sokha
Life of Hope Program Director
Sokha was born during the Pol Pot regime. He worked in rice fields, closely watched by the Khmer Rouge guards. In 1992, Sokha found hope in Christ. After putting his faith in God, he saw his life change. He served in the Hope Program as a youth and adult Bible teacher. He also served as an assistant pastor for a local church for the last 18 years. Sokha joined FOH in 2021 as the Life of Hope Director, overseeing cell church planting and leadership training.
Peang Phay
Our Strong Village Program Director
Phay earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Phumin Phnom Penh University. Before joining FOH in 2014, he served as a Community Development Facilitator with International Cooperation Cambodia and as a District Health Facilitator with RHAC. Phay wants to see the poor and destitute come to understand their own value. He wants them to experience God’s transformative love and learn how to share that love with those around them through FOH.
Joke van Opstal
country advisor
A registered nurse originally from the Netherlands, Joke (pronounced “YO-kuh”) began her missionary career working in a refugee camp in the early ’90s as part of Youth with a Mission (YWAM). She moved to Cambodia in 1993, joined World Relief in 1994 and established Hope for Cambodia’s Children. Before launching Fountain of Hope, she served in various leadership roles for World Relief Cambodia. Joke has completed studies at the Discipleship Training School, School of Biblical Studies and School of Frontier Missions. She is also a single mother of six adopted children.
2021 Update
Hear from Nareth
Hear from Sureyah
Hear from Rotha