Life with value

Support Groups and Curriculum to Address Community Needs


Community leaders work alongside Fountain of Hope staff to initiate programs and support groups that deal with the most pressing community problems, including disease, human trafficking and drug abuse. A snapshot of ongoing focus areas:

    • Human Trafficking and Migration Education: Because Cambodia is considered a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking, incorporating messages on prevention and child protection are crucial. Age-specific curriculum focuses on tools and tricks of traffickers, the value of children and tips for migrating safely.

    • HIV/AIDS and Domestic Violence Support Groups: People living with HIV/AIDS face discrimination, rejection, financial vulnerability and physical suffering. Those who become victims of domestic violence are prone to isolation and fear. We mobilize and equip local church volunteers to respond to these problems with the compassion of Christ. Local cell churches provide access to prevention and family value education, care for people living with HIV, support for orphans and economic assistance for affected families. 

    • Community Leader Facilitated Meetings: Curriculum for leaders and influencers in the community provides awareness of human trafficking, along with addressing domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse and gambling.

    • Preventative Health Education: Local village and cell church gatherings receive preventative health lessons detailing how to deal with Dengue fever, diarrhea, malaria and other preventable life-threatening diseases. 

    • Parenting Lessons: Lessons provide information about a child’s growth and development and how to care for children. Additionally, the lessons address anger management and each person’s responsibility within a family.