Nakri, a 16-year-old shares her inspiring journey of faith and resilience through the Fountain of Hope's Joy of Our Children program.
Living with her farming and factory worker parents, Nakri made the tough decision to leave school to support her family financially. However, she continued to engage with the local youth cell group. Nakri participated in the 90-day Joshua training, where she learned about Jesus' love and patience, despite her initial unfamiliarity with Him.
Through the training, Nakri discovered a newfound passion for community work, joining the Joy of Our Children program in her village to teach children about God's word and lead them in praise songs.
Her testimony reflects a profound transformation, as she expresses gratitude to Jesus and the FOH staff for bringing joy into her life, despite her family's financial challenges. Nakri’s story is a testament to the impact of faith-based programs and the support of donors, which enable young individuals like her to find purpose and happiness. "Despite the fact that my family is not wealthy, I find joy in God," she shares, highlighting the importance of spiritual fulfillment over material wealth.