Joy of Our Children

Spiritual Wealth

Nakri, a 16-year-old shares her inspiring journey of faith and resilience through the Fountain of Hope's Joy of Our Children program.

Living with her farming and factory worker parents, Nakri made the tough decision to leave school to support her family financially. However, she continued to engage with the local youth cell group. Nakri participated in the 90-day Joshua training, where she learned about Jesus' love and patience, despite her initial unfamiliarity with Him.

Through the training, Nakri discovered a newfound passion for community work, joining the Joy of Our Children program in her village to teach children about God's word and lead them in praise songs.

Her testimony reflects a profound transformation, as she expresses gratitude to Jesus and the FOH staff for bringing joy into her life, despite her family's financial challenges. Nakri’s story is a testament to the impact of faith-based programs and the support of donors, which enable young individuals like her to find purpose and happiness. "Despite the fact that my family is not wealthy, I find joy in God," she shares, highlighting the importance of spiritual fulfillment over material wealth.

My Parents Appreciate My Transformation

My name is Dara, and I am 15 years old and live in the Takeo province. I am the second child in a family of two boys. My father works in a factory, and my mother is a housewife and weaver. In my free time, I help with housework and prepare the weaving machine for my mother.

In 2022, I joined the Joy of Our Children program after a teacher invited me and other kids in my village to watch puppet shows. I was excited to learn about the Kid’s Club, where I gained knowledge about self-prevention from dengue fever, diarrhea, dental hygiene, children’s rights, and personal health care.

Later that year, I attended the Buddy System training, which taught me how to identify and support vulnerable children. I chose to help a lonely boy in my village who often skips school and lacks care, and is often sick when his parents are away for work and his grandparents are busy with their business. I encourage him to study, practice hygiene, and join the Kid’s Club with me.

Through my faith in Jesus, I completed the new believer training and accepted water baptism. I am currently taking leadership training with my teacher, who has shown me God’s love and helped me grow. My parents appreciate my transformation.

I am really grateful to Jesus for loving me and transforming my attitude. I thank my teachers for loving me, teaching me, and helping many children in my village. Their good example influences my desire to live out Jesus’ love. Their teaching shaped my character to pick the right choices, especially making the decision to accept Jesus to be my Lord and Savior through seeing Jesus. I now volunteer to help gather children from my village to join the Kid’s Club and other events. I hope my volunteer service will help prevent kids from drugs.

Please pray that the Lord will bless my efforts to finish high school, get a good job and good health for everyone in my family.

10,015 children...

….learned about health, hygiene and God's love for them, all while having a fun time through songs and puppet shows in 2023!

Meet Sophea

Hello, I’m Sophea*, and I want to share my story with you. I live in the Takeo province with my parents and three siblings. I had to stop going to school in grade 8 because my family was struggling financially, and I needed to take care of my niece while her parents went to work in Thailand to repay their debts. It was a tough decision, and I felt really sad that I couldn’t continue my education and pursue my dreams for the future.

But then, something amazing happened. I got the chance to join the Fountain of Hope program, and it changed everything for me. At first, I was shy and unsure if I could participate, but my friend and teacher encouraged me to give it a try. I felt like it was a sign from God that this was where I was meant to be.

I found my passion in the Buddy System training. Taking care of my niece had already taught me a lot about caring for children, and this training helped me learn even more about identifying and meeting the needs of vulnerable kids in my community.

After completing the training, I felt a stronger connection to my faith and a renewed sense of purpose. I decided to take on the 90 Days of Joshua training, which helped me grow as a leader and motivated me to serve others with the gifts I’ve been given.

Now, I have a little buddy named Sitha*, who is in a similar situation to what I experienced. Her parents are working in Thailand, and she’s living with her grandmother. I understand how she feels, and I want to make sure she doesn’t have to give up on her education like I did. I spend time with her, teach her, and share the love of Jesus
with her.

I pray that one day her parents will come back to be with her and that they’ll find warmth and strength in their faith, just like I have.

*Names changed.

There were 357 buddies through the Joy of Our Children mentoring program in 2023!


Meet Chanthou


Greetings, my name is Chanthou. I am 15 years old and in sixth grade. I live with my three siblings and grandmother. Since my family struggles financially, my parents decided to migrate to Thailand for work. Living with my grandmother and caring for my little siblings has been a big challenge for me. There have been times when I’m not studying that I have had to search for work to support my family. I can make around 15,000 riels ($3.75) a day chopping potatoes.

I was really glad to participate in the Joy of Our Children program because I was able to play and learn new things, especially about health. When I grew older, I was invited to participate in the Buddy System training program where I learned more about being a “Big Sister”. I learned the role of a Big Sister and am able to have compassion since I understand the hardships that the other children are facing. Through the program, I got the chance to hear more about the good news of Jesus. I learned that Jesus can save me, and He is full of love. As I learned more about His love, my life began to transform. One day I decided to believe in Jesus. 

Later on, I participated in the teen cell church. I learned more about salvation. I am truly thankful for the Lord Jesus, who gave His life on the cross to save me and all people. 

Finally, I would like to thank all the teachers that came to teach me. May the Lord bless you and your organization. Thank you!

Meet Sila

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Greetings, my name is Sila. I am 13 years old and in sixth grade. I live with my parents, who are both farmers, and four siblings. 

Before I participated in the Joy of Our Children (JOC) programs, I did not know much about health. I used to have a prejudice against very skinny people because I thought they had HIV. I frequently had stomachaches and diarrhea. I did not like staying home to help my parents. I often disobeyed them and went out with my friends instead.

After I joined JOC, I began to understand a lot about health, such as HIV, STDs, ways to prevent illness and other useful information. I got to participate in a special Buddy System program. I have learned so much: how to care for myself, and how to protect myself and others. The teachers also encouraged me to be obedient and helpful to my parents. I learned how to care for younger children in my community in many ways, including helping them in their studies and with cooking rice. These things have made my heart happy. When I finish school, I want to become a good teacher. 

At the moment, there are many people in my village who are addicted to alcohol and gambling. I want to see my villagers transform. And, especially, I want the children in my village to understand more about health and wellbeing.

Finally, I would like to say thank you to the JOC teachers for coming into my village to teach me. May all the teachers stay healthy and continue to teach in my village. 

Meet Srey Korng

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Greetings, my name is Srey Korng. I am 16 years old and am the second child and have a brother and sister. Right now, I am studying in the seventh grade.

My family practices Buddhism. On every Buddhist holiday, we would burn incense and pray for happiness and good livelihood. I always observed how my mom practiced these rituals every time. I also witnessed things happen to my neighbors. I saw an evil spirit manifested in my neighbors many times. These evil spirits like Khmer traditional music and would go away only when the traditional music was played for them. Seeing these events over and over again made me very afraid. I lived in fear.

After I heard Bible teachings from Fountain of Hope, I began to understand the bondage that evil spirits put on people. I learned why the evil ones wanted to cause harm on my neighbors. Then, I learned about God, His creation, His salvation and forgiveness of sins, the freedom from bondage through His power, and about having faith in Jesus through His death and resurrection. I now believe that Jesus can save me from my sins and can free me from the bondage of the evil ones. 

I am very thankful to the teachers from Fountain of Hope that come to my village to teach me. I am thankful that because of this, the children in my village can know and believe in Jesus as well. I really want them to have salvation and hope. I want to see them free from sins and Satan’s bondage. Amen.