Freedom From Fear

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Meet Pheat Srey Korng

Greetings, my name is Pheat Srey Korng. I am 16 years old, and live in the Tbong Khmum province. I am the second child and have a brother and sister. Right now, I am studying in the seventh grade.

My family practices Buddhism. On every Buddhist holiday, we would burn incense and pray for happiness and good livelihood. I always observed how my mom practiced these rituals every time. I also witnessed things happen to my neighbors. I saw an evil spirit manifested in my neighbors many times. These evil spirits like Khmer traditional music and would go away only when the traditional music was played for them. Seeing these events over and over again made me very afraid. I lived in fear.

After I heard Bible teachings from Fountain of Hope, I began to understand the bondage that evil spirits put on people. I learned why the evil ones wanted to cause harm on my neighbors. Then, I learned about God, His creation, His salvation and forgiveness of sins, the freedom from bondage through His power, and about having faith in Jesus through His death and resurrection. I now believe that Jesus can save me from my sins and can free me from the bondage of the evil ones. 

I am very thankful to the teachers from Fountain of Hope that come to my village to teach me. I am thankful that because of this, the children in my village can know and believe in Jesus as well. I really want them to have salvation and hope. I want to see them free from sins and Satan’s bondage. Amen.