Who we Serve


Greetings, my name is Chhoeun. I’m 17 years old. Currently, I am in 10th grade. My parents are both farmers. I live in Tbong Khmum province.

I would like to express my thankfulness to the Lord for a miracle. He has answered my prayers during this COVID-19 problem that is happening all over the world. I was so afraid when hearing about this virus since my parents are migrant workers in Thailand. I was afraid that they might come in contact with this illness. However, I am so thankful that I was able to receive encouragement and learn valuable biblical lessons from Matthew 8:23-27, the story of Jesus calming the storm. I also was encouraged by Ephesians 1:22, knowing that God is almighty above all things, in heaven and on Earth.

Thus, I learned to have fear in the Lord and give all my worries to Him. I prayed to Him every day. My heart is encouraged and comforted from the knowledge that the Lord is protecting my family. I can also see that God truly protected my family, which brings me peace. The Lord provided for my family. They still have work and are not laid off. My family is saved. This has strengthened my faith even more. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Vaen Raem

Greetings, my name is Vaen Raem. I am 48 years old. I live in Tbong Khmum province. I have six children, four daughters and two sons. All of us are farmers, and we only know a little bit about reading and writing.

It began when my husband passed away after many years. I became the sole supporter for my family. Due to hardship and the difficulty of earning a living to provide for all of my children, I had no choice but to take out loans. My children were small when my husband was gone. And, because of the loans, we were in a lot of debt. As hardship arose without ceasing, I made a difficult choice to ask all of my children to quit school so that they could help me to support the family.

Even with all of us trying to work, our income was still inadequate. I became irritated, hopeless, and without any solutions. I did not know what else to do to be free from this entanglement. And because I was so stressed and did not know what else to do, I took on drinking as a simple solution to help me forget. Every day I would drink. I also took on gambling, thinking that I might make some easy money. Even more so, I sought husbands to help me provide for my family’s needs. I did not care what would happen and how it might affect those around me. I simply wanted an easy exit.

Then came a day, sometime in September of 2019, when I encountered a staffer from the Fountain of Hope. She came to one of my friend’s houses. I could see that there were good relationships among them. The staff was relatable, and she shared with us that she is a believer in God. In her sharing she explained who God is, that He is the true God, the Creator of all things, who has power over everything. He is filled with love. In Him there is joy, hope, and power to save those who are sinners. I heard also that He can provide consolation and alleviate those who have worries in life.

Despite hearing all these good things about God, I did not care or have any interest in it. I thought no one could help me, and it would be pointless to help me. I am too far gone. The only way was for me to help myself.

One week later, the staffer visited once again. But this time she came into my house! It was surprising to see how she cared and shared loving words. There was friendliness in her voice and words. She did not discriminate towards me. She was not bothered by my wrongdoings. Instead, she invited me and asked me simple questions, “So, do you have any thoughts regarding your decision to accept the Lord? Did you see anything different happening in your life? Can you see how God is helping you and alleviating your worries, shame, and fear?” God has the power over all these things, even over death.

The questions got me thinking. I was intrigued by the possibility that this God could help me. I was also persuaded by the loving kindness of those who called themselves Christians. I could see that there is a strange love among them. It was something new, and I wanted to try it. It’s like the words I later discovered in Matthew 6:33, where Jesus says to seek first the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto us. I began to study and participate with the staff and began to feel a strange joy and relief for what I was going through. For the first time in a long time, I sense a peace and joy in the midst of my uncertainty. So I made a decision, after quite some time, to believe in the Lord Jesus on October 2, 2019.

God has worked in my life. I could see that there is love pouring into me, and I could sense His power over me. He loves me so much, as it states in John 3:16. I realized that God has the power to forgive my sins, as it states in Romans 8:1. And, I know that God will help me through my worries and anxieties. I shall have joy, for I know that God is on my side.

Through His grace, I began to want to have a connection with the Lord. I began learning how to pray. I continued to participate with trainings like New Believer and Foundation Training. And, on October 10, 2019 I opted to receive water baptism. After I have become enriched by the words of God, the Lord has been changing me. I began learning to be a good mother. Little by little I quit my drinking habit. As I learned about God’s blessings from His word, I saw no value in gambling. I learned to care more about what I have around my house and to look after it. I am so glad that God is transforming my life through His words.

I want to express my thankfulness to God, who has not only forgiven me, but is changing me into a better person. I am grateful that I found God before it was too late. I am so happy and impacted by the gospel that I am encouraged to share it with my children and neighbors. I hope and pray that they, too, will find God and His salvation. I pray as well that they can be healed in their hearts, minds, and spirit like what the Lord has done for me. Amen.