Vanny, an 18-year-old, shares her journey from following local traditions to becoming a dedicated Joshua Leader. Initially unaware of her spiritual needs, Vanny participated in traditional practices until Fountain of Hope staff introduced her to the gospel. Although her initial exposure was limited due to school commitments, she embraced the message in 2022 when Ms. Im Vanna taught teens about God's word. Realizing her need for salvation, Vanny accepted Jesus as her Savior and subsequently attended training courses.
In 2024, Vanny seized the opportunity to join the 90-day Joshua Training, which equipped her with a deeper understanding of God's word and health awareness. She is now committed to using this knowledge to improve her life and positively influence her community.
Vanny’s story underscores the transformative power of faith-based education and the crucial role of donor support in providing such opportunities. She expresses her gratitude to Fountain of Hope for the life-changing training, which has empowered her to make a difference in her village.