When God's Love Touches Your Heart

Meet Kem Mom

My name is Kem Mom. I live in the Kandal province. I am a cell church leader in the Life of Hope program through Fountain of Hope. I have 5 children, 2 sons and 3 daughters.

I took full responsibility for raising my children after my husband died. I labored to cut grass and did whatever available work to earn money to support my family. I lived a helpless and hopeless life. I often sat in a quiet place and cried alone. Sometimes, I felt chest pain. I spoke less and less. I felt like I couldn't breathe sometimes because of my hopeless situation and the people around me couldn’t help. I could only cry to release the pain from my heart.

One day, I learned about God’s word from a teacher in the Life of Hope program. I heard him mention that Jesus is the only God who can help you, healer of your pain and brokenness, and the comforter to a weak widow like me. If you accept Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, He will renew your hope. He will be with you and always be there to be your good friend. He will never leave you, nor forsake you, especially a widow like you. He cares for your suffering and understands your problems. After I heard this, I felt very encouraged. I realized that Jesus is full of love and forgiveness for all people. I felt that something was touching my heart. It gave me joy and strength. Then, I decided to give my life to Jesus. That teacher led me to pray the sinner’s prayer. In that prayer, I heard that my name is registered in God's book of life in heaven and God is in me and my life since that moment. I now have a new life, full of joy and hope from Jesus. He is a miraculous God to a widow like me who found hope in him alone. He filled my heart with joy, wiped away my tears, and comforted me with His love and mercy.

Finally, I would like to thank Fountain of Hope for coming to my village to preach the gospel of Jesus, visit me at my home, and teach me how to experience God’s love and tell others about Jesus.